01 Oct

The time of the spring and the summer season simply welcomes changes for every person. The weather in these seasons starts getting warmer, people get to enjoy the activities of outdoor and everything turns to green again in nature. The only and the major downside to this wonderful time is that it brings pests back and creates some of the new pest control problems. Ants have been listed among one of the most annoying and troubling household pests. These ants start to build up their mounds in early summer and late spring and also start to search for food. Here are some of the easy tips to keep the ant colonies away from your house. 

Tips to Keep Ant Colony Away 

Taking Notice of Scout Ants

The very first sign of the ants making their way in your house is scout ants. The rogue ants usually take their name “scout” very seriously and their job is to find the sources of food for the entire colony. In case, if you notice these ants roaming in your kitchen then its definite sign of the arrival of more ants in your house.

Keeping Surfaces Inside and Around Your Clean 

The best thing Ant Control Services experts suggest to do for preventing ants to enter your house is making sure your house is cleaned properly. The cleanliness of the house is known to be effective for keeping the ants away from your house. 

Storing Food in Sealed Containers

In case if your house has pests, then it is important to store the foods in the air-tight and sealed containers. The restriction of the access of the ants to the food sources simply means that ants would not be able to gain access again and will also steer other pests who look for sources of food. 

Sealing Off Cracks and Entrances of Your House

Sealing the cracked windows as well as door and the foundation with the help of caulking can also help in keeping the ants away from your house. These are some of the common entrances used by the ants for entering your house. 

Removing Ant Trails

There may be cases that you have already developed the problem of ant, and then it is important to identify the place of their arrival and eliminate the trails for preventing them to enter your house. 

Deploying Baits of Ant around Active Areas

You can also choose to place the bait traps in the areas of presence of scout ants instead of killing the scout ants. The baits can attract more ants can the toxicity will also be carried back to the colony and contribute to the elimination of the colony itself. This is one of the best methods suggested by the Spider Pest Control experts to keep ants away from your house. 

How Our Experts Would Help You?

We at 4 Perth Pest Control have an expert team working all day for the elimination of these pests from our client home. Our best Pest Control Perth services have been standing up widely and impressing the client very much. So, you can consider hiring the experts from our company for the control of ants in your house.

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